Long-forgotten UWCAd videos / by Honza Cervenka

In the process of transitioning over to this new and shiny website, I found a number of UWCAd videos on YouTube that I haven't seen for ages.  Major nostalgia kicked in and so I thought I'd share them with you all.  Some of these videos are mine, some are not, but they are all wonderful.

The intro video for the Best of Europe Week. Shoot in many, many countries :)

This is a trailer for the EE Show that we put on for the 2nd years this weekend. I made it in about 20 min. but it is fun!

This is a video for my 2nd years in light of finishing the EE! Congrats guys!

These are clips from my first two months at the United World College of the Adriatic in Duino, Italy.

Video from an archery session in Monfalcone

One day more by UWCAD

Press conference rag by UWCAD

english native speakers tried to bring a lil reality tv lovin' to the national show scene

the english native speakers made a disney-spoof video to kick off the best national week ever...?

Joggling performance from the Christmas market 2006 in Duino

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